
Transactions in our online store are protected by the highest online security systems TLS 1.3 (Signature Algorithm: SHA256) and digital certification by Let’s Encrypt , a nonprofit Certificate Authority providing TLS certificates to 363 million websites.

To complete the billing & in accordance with the new 3D Secure security standards, you will be asked to complete the strong identification process required by the banking institution from which your card has been issued, such as completing a one-time use code (OTP) which is sent by the banking institution to the mobile phone number you have registered with them.Alternative methods of identification between banking institutions may apply, such as authorization through a Web Banking application, typing specific digits of the PIN, etc.

Finally, personal security is the password you create when you register at In order to present any of your personal information you must first provide your username and password. For this reason, you must protect these details well to avoid the risk of them falling into the hands of third parties. Also, we suggest you to create password using symbols along with alphanumeric characters.
All transactions that you carry out through are governed by International and European law, which regulates issues related to e-commerce, as well as by the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues related to distance selling.

Minor visitors/users of this website may access its services only with the consent of their parents or guardians.

NO CREDIT CARD INFORMATION IS STORED IN ANY WAY, therefore their misappropriation by third parties is practically impossible. The settlement of your transaction, if you choose to make a payment with your credit card, takes place in the National Bank of Greece web environment.

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